Friday, March 4, 2011

Ducks in our own Backyard

The Bufflehead ducks never cease to amaze us.  These shy little divers were right off of our back yard this morning putting on a beautiful display.  When you first look at them you see only black and white but in the right light their heads become irridescent and take on shades of purple, brown and green.  Such an enthusiastic display can only make one smile and savor this wonderful earth that we have the privelege to live in.

1 comment:

  1. Of all the birds I have photographed, the elusive bufflehead has been the most difficult. Most of the time if I get too close, they won't fly away allowing for an in-flight shot, they will simply keep one eye on me as they paddle away out of reach of my lens -- rats! And I won't even get into the extreme contrast of their feathers (white to black), and what this does to a camera's metering system. How lucky you both are to have them in your very own back yard. If I lived there, I would probably buy that bird blind I saw on LLBean, and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner inside the blind waiting to capture a shot of this adorable little fellow. I very much enjoyed these images as well as the story of the "Flowers Feathers and Fur." Come oh happy Spring and stay with us a while...
